To Err Is Human is the culmination of 3+ years of research and interviews by Mike and his teammates (Kailey and Matt) at Tall Tale Productions. Together, they conducted over 40 hours of on-camera interviews with experts from across the healthcare spectrum to gain a clear view of the current state of patient safety in medicine in the United States. The film equally captures the human side of preventable harm by featuring the story of Sue Sheridan and her family’s experience with two dramatic events that set them on a course of action to see the system improve. It’s through the production of this documentary that Mike developed a passion for sharing the stories he discovered so that others might benefit from their experience.
The documentary was released on January 22, 2019 and is available on multiple platforms, including DVD/Blu-ray on Amazon and Digital Format on iTunes, Amazon Prime, and others. It has been shown over 230 times in 38 states across 12 countries. Clips from the film are often shared during Mike’s speaking engagements to help add the in-depth insight from those who have worked on patient safety for over 20+ years.